Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Welcome to Destiny's World

Well, here we are. I never imagined I would end up blogging but it seems like the next logical step in my "cyberlife". Before we begin perhaps an introduction would be appropriate.

I live in the Orlando, Fl area with my 8 year old daughter. She is a true blessing. In 2 months we will be celebrating 7 years as a family. You see, I adopted her from a Russian orphanage when she was 17 months old. In the last 7 years we have both grown and changed and formed an amazing bond. She faces some challenges due to being exposed prenatally to alcohol (HOW can anyone do that to a child?) but fortunately they are not severe. We have learned to cope and we both are thriving.

My professional background basically comes in 2 parts. For about 15 years after college I worked in the political arena. It was so much fun traveling around Colorado campaigning for candidates running for everything from city council to President. After a while, I guess I grew up and knew I needed to settle down. So I went back and got my teaching certificate. I taught in Denver for 10 years. Due some major changes in my personal life I left Denver and ended up in Florida. Here I taught middle school for a few years before being "RIF'd". Unfortunately due to the economy and recent actions of voters cutting school funding it does not look like I will be back in the classroom soon. So now I am substituting and thinking about what else I can do.

I spend much of my time these days planning for and leading my Brownie troop. It is so much fun working with these little girls. Girl Scouting was a huge part of my growing up and I wanted to make that possible for my daughter. It has been wonderful to experience GS again through the eyes of my daughter. Hopefully, we will be GS until she graduates from high school. The GS program has so much to offer young girls and I am proud to be a part of that.

My hope for this blog is that it will perhaps spark some discussions or get people thinking about various things. Sometimes I will be commenting on current events and other times more personal events. I hope to have a little fun along the way. So come with me on this new journey


Christina said...

It's really nice to get to learn more about you. I had no idea your daughter was adopted, how wonderful that you were able to provide a child with such a great life. Kudos to you! Can't wait to hear more about your activities.

Lweeks said...

I am thrilled that you are here! Loved reading about you. I have such a high regard for teachers. It's a shame that you got edged out by the economy. I too have an adopted daughter. She is now almost 19. I am looking forward to seeing more from you girl.

Lisa said...

Welcome to the blog world! Can't wait to read more from you. I know from other sites that you're a busy mommy, hope that doesn't interfere with you sharing with us!

Alicia said...

The only thing I knew about you was that you're a Brownie Troop leader. I loved my days in the Brownies.

Thanks for sharing a little more about you, and welcome to the blogosphere.

Homeslice said...

hi destiny! i found you through chrissi's blog and so glad i did. hope you don't mind me keeping in touch with you this way instead of through MM.

cristina (aka homeslice)